初めての実戦・青獅子の学級 A True Battle (Blue Lions)
Entrance Hall
ディミトリ: 先生、今しがた騎士団から連絡が入った。ちょうど全員を集め終えたところだ。
Dimitri: Professor. I just got word from the knights that the last of the thieves have been cornered.
イングリット: 予定どおり、盗賊を追い込んだそうです。場所は、赤き谷ザナド。
Ingrid: Just as planned. They're in Zanado, the Red Canyon.
アッシュ: 悪事を働く盗賊を放っておくわけにはいきません。力を合わせて頑張りましょう!
Ashe: We certainly can't allow those underhanded thieves to get away. Let's work together and do our best to take them down!
ドゥドゥー: ……いかなる敵であろうと殿下には指一本触れさせん。
Dedue: It matters not who we're up against. They will not harm His Highness.
フェリクス: 面倒だ……敵はただの盗賊だろう。腕の立つ者がいるとも思えん。
Felix: Hmph. We're just fighting common thieves, right? I don't expect much of a challenge.
シルヴァン: つれないこと言うなよ。俺は楽しみだぜ。ほら、美人の女盗賊がいるかもしれない。
Sylvain: Aren't you a spoilsport. I'm actually quite excited myself. Who knows... There may even be some cute lady thieves.
アネット: ……何にせよ、今の私たちが実戦でどれだけ通用するか確認する、良い機会だよね。
Annette: Hmm. Well, at any rate, a real battle is a great opportunity for us to see how far we've come.
メルセデス: そうね、模擬戦でも上手くいったのだし、普段どおりやればきっと大丈夫よ。
Mercedes: True. The mock battle was a success. We'll be fine so long as we stay the course.
Choice 1: みんな楽しそうだ So much excitement...
Choice 2: 上手くやれるだろうか…… I hope everything turns out all right.
ディミトリ: 少し浮かれすぎのような気もするが……今回は騎士団の援護もある、大丈夫だろう。
Dimitri: Perhaps we are a bit overly excited, but remember that we have the knights on our side. All should be well.
Ah! And speaking of the knights, I heard that Jeralt is once again one of the Knights of Seiros.
Perhaps we'll have the good fortune of seeing you two fight side by side.
Choice 1: 面白いものではない This isn't a game.
Choice 2: 珍しいものではない We've fought to gether many times.
ディミトリ: そういうもの、なのか?……先生にとっては、そうかもしれないな。
Dimitri: Oh, of course. I apologize for letting my childish whims get the better of me.
In all honesty, I'm a bit jealous. My parents are no longer around.
Choice 1: どういうこと? What do you mean?
Choice 2: もういない? No longer around?
ディミトリ: 死んだよ、2人とも。……俺だけが、生き残ってしまった。
Dimitri: They...they died. Both of them. I'm all that remains of them now...
Anyhow, I'm sorry to bore you with such things. I'd say it's nearly time for us to depart. Eh, Professor?